Stonor Medical Directors attend Parliamentary Reception
Stonor Medical Directors attend Parliamentary Reception Showing Support for Bipolar UK as it presents the full Bipolar Commission report.

Stonor Medical Directors Simon Cummins and Lucille Watts attended a Parliamentary Reception on Tuesday 8th November to show support for Bipolar UK as it presented the full Bipolar Commission report.
The 'Bipolar Minds Matter' report calls for an immediate restructure of the healthcare system that is failing millions affected by bipolar. The report highlighted delays are having a devastating impact on the lives of people with bipolar and the quality of care they receive.
The report also puts forward the case for developing a dedicated care pathway so that people with bipolar can have access to specialist treatment and continuity of support over a lifetime.
The full report includes the Bipolar Commissions recommendation's and two appendices: 'The impact of bipolar on women' written by Dr Clare Dolman and 'The economic impact of bipolar' written by Professor Paul McCrone.

The parliamentary reception was hosted by television presenter and Bipolar UK ambassador Leah Charles-King who called on MPs to “urgently” investigate how people with bipolar are treated as the landmark study revealed it takes almost 10 years on average for someone to be diagnosed.
During the reception people shared their journeys and lived experience of living with Bipolar and their difficulties trying to access appropriate healthcare services to enable them to live well with bipolar.
The Rt Hon Paul Bristow MP the Conservative MP for Peterborough, promised to schedule a debate in the House of Commons to discuss the shocking average 9.5-year delay in bipolar diagnosis.
Stonor Medical fully support the findings of the bipolar commission and call for quicker diagnosis and specialist treatment and support for everyone with bipolar. BipolarUK will remain Stonor Medical's Charity of the Year going into 2023.
To read a quick summary of the 'Bipolar Minds Matter' report: CLICK HERE
To read the full report please: CLICK HERE